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from 01.10.2024 to 11.01.2025

Registration is only possible online between October 1, 2024 and January 11, 2025 via the "Registration" link.
It includes:
  • the fully completed registration form
  • a copy of the participant's identity card/passport
  • the application video
  • the registration fee

The registration fee is € 30.- (thirty EURO) excluding bank charges and is due for payment to the account of the organizer indicated in the form. The registration fee will not be refunded if the participant drops out in the digital preliminary round or is later prevented from participating. The registration documents will not be returned.

The video serves as a preselection for admission to the competition. The requirements for the repertoire of the video can be found in the digital preliminary round. Please follow the instructions for video recording!

After sending the registration form and the required documents, the participants will receive a confirmation of the registration by email.

At the end of the electronic registration form, a signature of the participant or a parent or guardian must be provided (e.g. using a mouse). Without the signature and the receipt of the participation fee, the registration is invalid.

By signing the registration form, the participant or his/her legal guardian accepts all terms and conditions of the competition.

The payment options will be published here on October 01, 2024.

During registration, you will be asked to provide your personal information such as date of birth and address. Also, during the registration process, you will need to upload your ID card or passport and the bank transfer receipt. In addition, you will be asked to fill in the information about the repertoire you have chosen.

Please make sure that all data is filled in correctly by you.