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# code of ethics


Value-based. Sensible. Sustainable.

The ethical self-image of our association as the organizer of the competition is characterized by a humanistic view of humanity, great responsibility towards the participants and their families as well as an appreciative and respectful cooperation with all participants. Sustainability, equal opportunities regardless of gender, nation, religion, sexuality and age as well as the highest level of professionalism in all organizational and personal matters are also important to us.


of the competition


Everyone has the right to have their important needs respected and recognized. We treat the participants and their families, but also all other people, with attentiveness, an open ear, time, friendliness, trust and appreciation. A warm, positive and personal atmosphere is very important to us. We are expressly committed to combating racism and discrimination!


We are very happy to be using the Casals Forum in Kronberg, a venue not only with outstanding acoustics and atmosphere, but also with a sustainable and regenerative energy concept. The Forum is the only concert hall in the world to be operated in a CO2-neutral way.

>>to the Casals Forum


Every person is unique, every person has the right to be treated fairly and respectfully and to have the same opportunities, regardless of their gender, nationality, religion, age and sexuality.

We are proud of the international nature of our competition and see the diversity of people as an opportunity to learn from each other and to remain open, tolerant and curious. We are committed to international understanding, understanding and tolerance of all cultures; we are convinced that the language of music connects people and overcomes borders.


We take our great responsibility very seriously, especially with regard to young talent. We are passionately committed to providing everyone with a motivating, unique and wonderful experience with the competition, regardless of prizes. Community, learning from each other, encounters, exchanges and an educational approach are at the forefront. Like the jury, we want to support each and every one of the young talents comprehensively and sustainably and treat them with appreciation and respect as equals.

>> to the jury's code of ethics


Excellent organization requires attentive, energetic and joyful cooperation between all those involved. Planning that takes the various needs into account from the outset, welcomes ideas and suggestions, and reacts flexibly and individually to necessary changes and differences of opinion promotes such cooperation, which is characterized by mutual understanding and clear communication.


Professionalism in all matters is our claim.

Excellent organization that offers participants and their families, as well as the audience and the organizers themselves, the greatest possible comfort, quick orientation and security is a matter of course for us. The data protection standards we adhere to guarantee the greatest possible protection of privacy.

Efficiency, transparency, clarity and structure are components of our actions, which we constantly strive to improve. Criticism is very welcome, because professionalism is inconceivable without reflection.


the jury

Our jurors are highly committed to promoting young talent. The musical, pianistic and personal development of the participants is equally important to them, as they are aware of the importance of personality, charisma and self-confidence for an artistic statement.

Artistic design therefore plays an important role alongside other diverse assessment criteria. The jury is characterized by transparency in the assessment, including in the digital preliminary round, a differentiated points system, integrity, fairness and efforts to achieve the greatest possible fairness and objectivity. Pupils of the jury members are therefore not allowed to take part in the competition.

The judges approach the piano playing of each individual with joy, dedication and attention. Their interaction with the participants is characterized by appreciation, interest, respect and a high pedagogical standard. They see the competition as a collaboration and joint work on the playing of the young talents.

In addition, individual discussions between the jury and the participants, their parents and teachers provide constructive, guiding and motivating feedback. A warm, trusting and positive atmosphere is very important to the judges!

The jury welcomes the international nature of the competition. Music as the common language of mankind overcomes borders and connects cultures. Every participant in the competition is equally welcome regardless of gender, nationality and religion.

The jury is very aware of its great responsibility and is passionately committed to these goals. It maintains a close and cooperative exchange with the competition organizer in order to constantly reflect on its work. As a point of contact for the young pianists, their parents and teachers, it is highly interested in the successful participation of each individual. A competition without losers, where the focus is on learning from each other and sharing experiences.

The jury wishes all pianists much joy and success!