TOGETHER promoting young talent - taking responsibility - shaping partnership.
Our partners, supporters and sponsors play a decisive role with their generous support and willingness to work together in a spirit of trust. They make the innovative concept and the regional and international appeal of our competition possible. Without them, we could not organize the "International Piano Competition for Young Pianists Kronberg" could not be realized!
With the generous commitment of our sponsors, we provide the young pianists with an unforgettable and motivating experience. Their donations enable us to provide comprehensive and sustainable support for the young talents and to develop our competition into a unique cultural highlight throughout Germany. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We are proud to be an attractive partner for our sponsors with our international reach, exclusivity and professionalism. Your support is indispensable for us!
Individual sponsorship opportunities form the basis for a partnership based on trust, mutual appreciation and excellence, for which we are sincerely grateful!
We cordially invite you to benefit from our unique ambience and image while supporting culture, music and the promotion of talent!
Funding projects
The financial resources of our partners, supporters and sponsors benefit the following projects, among others:
- User fee Casals Forum
- Prize money and special prizes
- Professional sound and video production
- Fee for the jury
- Expenses for the prizewinners' concert
- Supporting program
- Advertising and marketing costs
We look forward to further cooperation with our partners, supporters and sponsors for the music and for the musical and personal development of young pianists!