Our piano competition interview: Interview with the new music paper #nmz
Recently, Ulrike Danne-Feldmann had the great pleasure of enjoying an exciting and insightful interview with Germany's largest music trade newspaper, the neue musikzeitung(#nmz) in a very open dialogue!
The nmz is a highly interesting and important newspaper for music creators, artists, journalists, music teachers, instrumental teachers, music enthusiasts and many others, depicting and commenting on a broad spectrum of musical life in Germany. Well-known editors, authors, scientists, practitioners and cultural politicians paint a comprehensive and diverse picture of the music scene and discuss developments, areas of tension and decisions.

Our piano competition is not only a building block of this music scene, but also serves in a special way to promote young pianistic talents. The interview is a wonderful opportunity for us to make our view of the connections, of our motivation, of the uniqueness of our competition accessible to a broad public. We were therefore very pleased to receive Patrick Erb's fascinating questions, which shed light on the competition in the context of other competitions, the best possible promotion of young pianists and the public.
Patrick Erb asked the questions about the competition venue - the Casals Forum of the Kronberg Academy - about the repertoire and even about the sustainability and importance of our competition for the city of Kronberg.
The result was an interview that, from our point of view, not only highlights the importance of our competition, but also encourages us to stand up for music, quality and young musicians, especially in these difficult times after Corona!
Click on the image to the left to read the full interview. Have fun!